The Circus is visiting Harpenden Common next week and we have 3 tickets for Saturday 29th April (2pm, 5pm or 7.45pm) to give away!
If you’d like to win these simply comment to let us know what your favourite act is at the circus and we’ll pick a winner 🏆

Terms –
Prize is for 3 entrance tickets to the Continental Circus Berlin on 29/4/23 (2pm, 5pm or 7.45pm) only and will not cover any other expenses.

Entrance must comment on the original post on the Little Beans Nannies Facebook page with their favourite circus act by 11pm on 23/4/23 to be eligible.

The winner will be announced on 24/4/23. If the winner cannot be contacted by midnight on the day of announcing they will forfeit their prize and a new winner will be drawn.

Conditions shown on ticket apply.

Tickets are not for resale and non-transferrable.